Tuesday, September 30, 2008

cous cous

My fav Adele HuntHigs reviewed White Swan Black Swan in Real Groove magazine but they made a mistake and didn't print my artwork, they printed some black and red thing that looks like a photo. So if you read Real Groove that's not the art work. The album is in Real Groovy now though, I saw it there once. I've been sick and haven't done anything except try to get better but I'm not better but should still be ok to play records at the Brand New Math/Tommy Ill show on Friday which you should all come to. (a few posters down, Brad flipping bird) I think I'll play some Bryan Ferry, he makes me so happy. He's so dashing. I'm going to try and finish watching King Kong now, it's so long, and the monkey isn't even climbing a building yet, it's just been fighting dinosaurs and stuff. I did enjoy the giant wetas, wetas are on my favourite animal list.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

clip clop

Painted my friend Imogen's horses for her, clip clop.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008


More posters, oil paintings, drawings and watercolour paintings soon- I've been busy.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

